The Project M.E.T.A. has a remarkable complexity and structure, so it is essential that all stages are closely coordinated in order to bring out the best results and disseminate them in an appropriate manner.
There are a number of specific actions to raise awareness and dissemination at regional, national, EU and non-EU, which are described in the Plan of Dissemination and Exploitation of the project META. Different and specific communication tools will be used.
All the project partners, research institutions and the subcontractor will participate in the Committee for the Dissemination and Exploitation of results (DEB, Dissemination & Exploitation Board) chaired by Aquarno. DEB coordinates all activities related to the dissemination and exploitation of project results, such as patents, licenses, dissemination activities, and coordinates the possible negotiations between the ATS and possible external stakeholders.
For the organizational and managerial aspects, OO-05 guarantees the success of the project and consists of scientific and technical coordination and management of administrative, financial and communication aspects, that includes the organization of meetings between the participants (Partners and sub-contractors), the establishment of networks of contacts to ensure communication, monitoring the progress of the project, the objectives and the costs incurred.
In this context, the management concerns management and monitoring of technical and scientific activities, logistical, administrative, legal and communication, through a continuous monitoring of the work done in reference to what was planned.
The project management is entrusted to the COORDINATOR (Aquarno - project leader) who oversees and coordinates the various "areas" of the "Structure of Project Management" and will be assisted in his duties by a specific operative Group Coordination System - GCS.
Quality management system and risk assessment of the project, administrative and financial management of the project will be done.