
The META project subcontractors are private companies and research institutions highly qualified, each with experience of absolute importance, both technical and theoretical-experimental. This is confirmed by the numerous projects in which everyone took part (LIFE +, POR CREO, ESF, 7th FRAMEWORK PROGRAM, MIUR) as project leader and partner. The Curriculum is completed by scientific publications on journal of publishers such as Elsevier and Springerlink

Laboratori Archa Srl

ARCHA (Analysis and Research in Applied Chemistry) performs from over 20 years chemical and microbiological analysis and is accredited by ACCREDIA, as a guarantee of professional and technical competence of the operators.

ARCHA is also a research laboratory recognized "highly qualified" by the Ministry of Education to carry out research and technological innovation in industrial and environmental fields.

The structure of ARCHA is organized not only to conduct research for third parties, but also to help companies to submit and obtain funding through calls for regional, national and European.

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PIN s.c.r.l.

PIN s.c.r.l. is a consortium majority public whose main activity is research and innovation focused on technology transfer of the results obtained. The primary role of the PIN is conducting educational and scientific services for the University of Florence, but there are also many participations in projects commissioned by private or public, even at the European level. Its collaboration with the University of Florence enables PIN to have the latest generation laboratories and high-level updated skills. For the META project PIN has involved  the section of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering of the University of Florence, whose activities will be harmonized in part to the project to ensure the transfer of technology products research.

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