
The M.E.TA project involved eleven structures: companies and research centers, including eight partners and three subcontractors. The professionalism and experience deeply rooted in the economic, social and scientific sector of the various participants, ensuring a high level of technical and educational project, which aims to analyze and review, at least in part, the whole range of tannery waste, their production up to the recovery of energy and matter .

Consorzio Aquarno s.p.a.

Officially founded in 1984 but active since 1974, Consorzio Aquarno provides the urban wastewater treatment incoming from Santa Croce sull'Arno, Fucecchio and Castelfranco di Sotto, three main cities of the Tuscan Leather District. The WWTP has an estimated treatment capacity of  2Mln of I.E., one of the biggest in whole Europe. The peculiarity of the treated wastewater and the strict discharge limitation have always promoted  a constant research focused on innovative solutions able to optimize the process and enhance the quality of effluent. Although limits were always respected, experimentation and participation of Consorzio Aquarno to research projects are far that rare, this demonstrate a particular attention to the continuous enhancement of the process.

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Consorzio Cuoio-Depur s.p.a.

Consorzio Cuoiodepur s.p.a born in 1980 with the aim to satisfy legislative requirement for the tannery wastewater discharges. Originally configured for the treatment of only the industrial wastewater, it has known a continuous expansion and evolution either in technological, territorial and superficial terms.

Thanks to combined public-privates funding, the WWTP now is a consolidated and efficient treatment system both for the wastewater and for produced sludges which are now dehydrated  and mixed with other  selected tannery  waste to produce a fertilizer named pellicino integrato ( Decree of the Minister of Agricultural and Forestry Politics 7/12/2001)

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Italprogetti Engineering s.p.a.

Italprogetti Engineering s.p.a. supports from over 30 years, the best companies in the Tuscan leather district. Founded as a mechanical workshop for repairation and manufacture of equipment for the tanning industry, today the company is a real reference for automation systems, programming, and, obviously, machinery manufacturing in various areas of operation such that the tanning liquid waste treatment and the treatment of waste gases, vapors and oil. Italprogetti was the first company to manufacture and patent the drums in PPH (PolyPropylene high density) in addition to the traditional ones made ​​of wood.

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PO.TE.CO. s.c.r.l.

From the collaboration of tanning, footwear, contractor entrepreneurship  and public bodies that represent the leather district and the Province of Pisa, was founded, in 2002, the Polo Tecnologico Conciario. This cooperative society, prevalently scientific, work in the Tuscan leather district dealing with the main sectorial aspects such as environmental sustainability, process innovation, market study and training of human resources.

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Consorzio S.G.S. s.p.a.

Leading company in the leather district for the processing of animal by-products(ABP) and somewaste products, since the ‘60s CONSORZIO S.G.S supports the tanning processes collecting by-products otherwise destined to landfill.

Over the years, thanks to plant modernization and the adjustmentof production processes, the company has modified its products to the manufacture of  nitrogenous protein fertilizers, most of which can also be used in organic farming.

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Consorzio Conciatori di Ponte a Egola soc. coop.

The Consorzio Conciatori di Ponte a Egola was founded in 1967 with the role of representation of the category towards public administration at all levels, institutions and economic organizations, the trade unions and employers' organizations at the national level. The essential mediation of this organization with public bodies has facilitated and favored the economic-technological development of the leather sector of the left bank of the Arno, allowing it to reach the current levels of quality and quantity of production.

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D.I.C.I. - Università di Pisa

For decades, the University of Pisa, first as a Department of Chemical Engineering, Industrial Chemistry and Materials Science, now as the Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering (DICI), collaborates with research institutions and companies in the Tannery District Toscano. There are numerous participations in research projects that saw on the side of the DICI, PoTeCo, the Consortium Aquarno s.p.a., Italprogetti Engineering s.p.a. and Archa Laboratories LTD. The indisputable know-how and technological tools available to this partner make absolutely relevant its participation in the project.

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Conceria Martina s.a.s.