The plant is based on an innovative system of a solution and is speciallydesigned to convert biomass into fuel gas, with a combined process ofpyrolysis-gasification, which can be used for the production of heat andelectricity (waste to energy process) . The pilot plant will be used for thetests of pyro-gasification of digestate derived from a plant already inITALPROGETTI to be suitably modified in order to process these biomass. And'composed of a pyrolysis reactor, a gasification reactor, a system ofpost-treatment of the fuel gas product. A system for supervision and controlprovides for the automatic management of all process parameters. The biomass undergoesa thermal conversion in the gasifier in a reducing environment that leads tothe production of a fuel gas: Syngas, a mixture of CO, H2, CH4, with acalorific value of about 4-8 MJ / Nm3 depending on the type of biomassemployed. The syngas exiting the gasification reactor is treated so as tominimize the possible fouling of the system of electric energy production, andin order to obtain an emission in the atmosphere according to the mostrestrictive limits of legge.L'impianto consists of :
- Feeding of dried digestate;
- Fixed bed gasifier which will operate in either configuration updraftdowndraft that in order to identify the most suitable reactor configurationdigestate;
- System for automatic discharge of the ash from the gasifier;
- Tar sampling system downstream of the gasifier;
- Treatment line of the syngas in order to remove dust, tar, acid gases andammonia;
- Line analysis of the syngas clean;
- Post-combustion system (torch) of the syngas Treaty;
- Extraction and collection of liquid and solid waste;
- System of regulation and control of the entire plant.
The flexibility and reliability that characterize the pyro-gasifier allow itsuse with the use of a large type of biomasse.L'impianto will have a potentialof about 5 kg / h of digestate to 20-30% moisture. This size is significant forsubsequent scale-up to commercial size plant.