Partners | Cuoiodepur

Consorzio Cuoiodepur s.p.a.

Ponte a Egola Wastewater Treatment Plant

ConsorzioCuoio-Depur SpA was founded in 1980, with the aim of implementing and managingthe compliance program to the environmental regulations, for the purificationof liquid wastes from tanning processes of companies in Ponte a Egola.

In 1985 thecompany was transformed into a mixed consortium public-private, to majorityprivate ownership, with the participation of the municipalities of San Miniatoand Montopoli Val d'Arno, to manage the public service of collection andtreatment of wastewater. The centralized system collects and treats allwastewater produced by industrial processes of the area, (about 5,000 metercubic per day) and municipal wastewater (approximately 3,500 meter cubic perday), from the urban areas.

The wastewatertreatment plant has reached its current configuration through successiveexpansion phases that have required important investments, both public andprivate.

The plant wascontinuously modified, in order to improve performances, on the base of dataderived from extensive research on pilot scale experiments through the bestavailable technology.

Currently,plant treatment capacity is estimated at 900,000 abitant equivalents. Thedifferent stages of the process are managed by a central computer system thatdetects and processes in real time the data relating to the functionality ofthe equipment, monitoring the main process parameters, the quantity and qualityof the wastewater discharged from companies, as well as data related toemissions for monitoring environmental impact.

The plantdevelops and closes the wastewater treatment and sludge cycle, ensuring highefficiency of organic matter and nutrients (N and P) removal, before the finaldestination: the Arno river. Tannery primary sludge is used to producefertilizers after thermal drying and mixing with by-product of industrialtannery process (Decreto del Ministero delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali del7/12/2001).

Consorzio'sconstant and continuous attention to research and innovation has led over timeto undertake links with universities and institutes research . This developmenthas led to found in 2008, at its facilities, the CER2CO (Center for Research onWastewater tanning), a joint laboratory between universities and enterprisesestablished with the participation of the Department of Civil and EnvironmentalEngineering at the University of Florence and Technological Pole of SantaConciario sull'Arno.

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