PIN S.c.r.l. is a non-profit organization majoritypublic consortium, which carries out scientific and educational services forthe University of Florence.
PINhas 17 laboratories operating in a variety of industries and specialized skillsfor different issues including environment and energy, Arts and culture,Economics and Management, ICT and applied Social Sciences.PIN staff works onapplied research projects of national and international significance,commissioned by corporations and private companies, public institutions, orprograms financed through regional, national and European.The aim of theresearch is to transfer out of the methods applied, technologies and theresults of university research to the benefit of the production system andinstitutional. The Sanitary and Environmental Engineering unit, Universityof Florence, involved in the META project, conducts research and technologytransfer in water treatment, waste and gaseous effluents for environmentalrehabilitation and protection of health fields.

A significant scientific production at national and international level, as a result of numerous projects and research contracts funded by public and private companies, including projects under the LIFE + program (Biosur and Biocloc) and the Marie Curie (IRSES Carbala).
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