ARCHA, which stands for Analysis and Research of Applied Chemistry, was set up in Pisa in 1989, on the initiative of a group of professional chemists. Objective: to create an advanced laboratory, with stateof-the art equipment and trained staff.Over the years, the company has further developed in all areas: scientific expertise, efficiency of service and market results.Today the ARCHA group is divided into three sectors (Technical – ICT – Industrialization); within these sectors there are different areas of expertise and/or different companies of the group.
LABORATORY – Analysis and test methods accredited for chemical, physical and microbiological investigations.
RESEARCH – Specialist studies to generate innovative solutions for technology development and enterprise management.
CONSULTING – Ideas and technical assistance to businesses for Quality, Environment, Safety, Materials, Processes.
TRAINING – Training Agency for training and cultural and professional growth in technical and specialized fields.
START UP ASSISTANCE – Promotion and development of innovative ideas through their realization in projects and systems.
SOFTWARE – Design and development of ICT tools for the solution and management of technical issues.
PRODUCTS & TECHNOLOGIES - Creation of products, technologies and systems

From the very beginning, ARCHA has always given great importance to the quality and experience of human resources, without which no machine or laboratory equipment, even the most modern and efficient, can give the desired results.Its headquarters is close to educational facilities of excellence: Professional Institutes, Graduate Schools and the prestigious University of Pisa, one of the oldest Italian universities. This culturallyfertile territory favoured the emergence of ARCHA, a team of Chemists, Biologists, Agronomists, Geologists and Engineers.The present staff of ARCHA consists of more than 35 people (70% of them graduates in scientific fields); in the case of special orders, external collaborators or researchers can be involved.The ARCHA staff constitutes an important and irreplaceable resource given the experience and expertise they have acquired that allows them to offer customers an efficient, reliable and stableservice over time.
Guarantee certification of effective and efficient business management is essential today, especially in the service sector. The credentials that ARCHA offers their customers are those of the most important awards in the field of Quality, Environment and Safety.This is confirmed by the Certificate of Excellence, awarded to ARCHA by Certiquality in 2012 for achieving three certifications: ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and BS OHSAS 18001, and attests ARCHA’sattention to customer satisfaction, environmental protection and health and safety in the workplace.To ensure the quality of analytical data ARCHA is accredited by ACCREDIA, while the Research sector is acknowledged by the Ministry of University and Research as being a "Highly Qualified Research Laboratory ".Confirming ARCHA’s commitment to social aspects, ARCHA has obtained the SA8000 certification, which ensures the company's ethical conduct.

The headquarters and main laboratories are located in Pisa (Italy), in the industrial area on the western outskirts of the city.ARCHA is located just 4.8 km from Pisa Galileo Galilei Airport and only 5.0 km from the railway station.The area is also easily accessible by car or taxi as it is located at the exit of the Florence-Pisa-Livorno highway. ARCHA provides services and/or collaborations and partnerships with companies and research organizations, not only in Italy but also in European and non-European countries.On Italian territory ARCHA operates in almost all the regions.
ARCHA has a state-of-the-art analytical laboratory, with modern and sophisticated equipment to meet the more stringent analytical needs, whether chemical, biological or physical, on different matrices and scopes of application:
workplace hygiene
process optimization
product quality control
regulatory compliance
air emissions
environmental impacts
noise, vibration, electromagnetism
support to applied research
water for human consumption
refuse and waste
drugs and narcoticsThe laboratory works in conformity with the UNI EN ISO 9001 and UNI CEI EN ISO / IEC 17025 regulation
Over 700 sqm of specialist laboratories
More than 70,000 analyses/year
More than 500 tests accredited by ACCREDIA
The RESEARCH sector is recognized by MIUR (Italian Ministry of University and Research) as a "highly qualified laboratory" and is inserted in the Ministry’s Register of Research Laboratories.It coordinates and carries out applied research projects commissioned by institutions or by small, medium or large companies with the objective of providing integrated solutions that look into thetechnical and managerial issues including:
Optimization of production processes
Identification of critical points in the quality of the product
Search for new recovery systems and resource management and reuse of industrial waste products
Investigations for the detection of defects in raw materials and finished products and the optimization of the relative Quality Control Systems
Investigations into the remediation of contaminated soil
Optimization of purification processes of wastewater and air emissionsIn addition to external orders, the research sector is involved in continuous activities on technological innovation and precompetitive development, thus providing relevant results to be industrialized and marketed by the ARCHA "Industrialization Sector".
Over 400 square meters of laboratories areas for pilot plants
More than 100 research projects managed in 10 yearsOver 15 fields of application6 patents
More than 35 scientific publications
More than 30 participations in conferences

The Consulting sector of ARCHA has been working for more than 20 years in the field of providing consultancy and qualified services for companies, offering comprehensive support for
the management of regulatory compliance on the environment and health and safety in the workplace
surveys in forensic and insurance fields
the improvement of processes and products
the setting up and implementation of management systems for Quality, Environment and Safety
the setting up and the implementation and start-up of testing laboratories
In an era where information technology has changed the way we work and live, also ARCHA could not ignore the potential of Information and Communication Technology in this field since its foundation.The ICT sector designs, develops and markets specialist software applications satisfying clients’ needs with modern tools for process control, management and storage of data concerning the environment and safety, the management of laboratories for analysis and activities service.The ARCHA application software is characterized by three common points: it is easy, flexible and productive. Therefore, it can easily be used even by those who are inexperienced in the field of computer science.The ICT sector also deals with data processing using multivariate statistical methods designing experimental tests (design of experiments (DOE)), and then extracting as much information as possible from the data set of results.
More than 10 specialist software applications:
• management workshops
• waste management
• process control in the food industry, inert waste, pharmaceutical industry
More than 200 DOE designed
More than 200,000 records processed
ARCHAdoes not solely carry out research work commissioned by companies and/or authorities, but annually invests more than 5% of the volume of business in the development of new products and technologies and know-how to be industrialized for their business.The industrialization sector takes care of the final development and the subsequent marketing also through other companies in the group.The same service is also offered to companies wishing to maximize their knowhow and the results of the research and development work with the aim of pursuing continuous innovation for greaterconsolidation in the market.
12 Innovative chemical products:
• for the treatment of fabrics, leather and paper
• to enhance skin and leather
• for the environmental clean-up of oil
• for the recycling of vegetable oils
2 Technologies for the reclamation of sludge and industrial waste
9 Innovative technologies:
• to sanitize environments and surfaces
• to sanitize equipment
• for the treatment of waste water (COD and BOD removal)
• for the treatment of swimming pool water
• for the treatment of water intended for human consumption
• for the treatment of industrial fumes (VOC abatement)
• for the abatement of odorous emissions
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