When in 1967 the Tanners’ Consortium was founded, local companies were experiencing a significant growth in terms of numbers and production capacity that would end up with the industrialisation of Ponte a Egola. The way of a common association was firstly taken to face up small difficulties of local businesses, although they were actually huge questions by that time, revealing to be significant for all local and environmental issues later on. The Consortium played an important role in the relocation of tanners’ plants from the old city centre to modern industrial areas, identifying, urbanizing and parcelling those areas into nowadays lots. That allowed a renovation and expansion of the productive plants as well as a continuous innovation and technological development of local tanneries. The Ponte a Egola leather district became one of the most advanced in the world.
Together with its associated companies, Tanners’ Consortium contributed to the realisation of the centralized water purification plant and of efficient side companies dealing with disposal of wastewater treatment sludge, recycling of processing by-products and chrome retrieving. All these activities are constantly innovated to minimize their impact on the environment.
Tanners’ Consortium is firstly a trade association representing the whole category in front of Public Administration of any level, finance corporations, trade unions and national industrial associations.
At the same time the Tanners’ Consortium offers services of information and support to its associated companies in any field of their interest.
For sure, a social-economical development of this leather district could not have been possible without a parallel diffusion of a certain corporate culture that is still nowadays at the basis of tanneries’ establishment.
Every age has required its updates; the modernization of this district started early aiming to reach high-quality standards, sometimes spontaneously, sometimes driven by the market demand and other external hints.
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